Jonny the Monkey


Me see new informations are released about book from writings of good friend Borat... 

Book entitle: "BORAT: Touristic Guidings to Minor Nation of U.S. and A. and Touristic Guidings to Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan". It look very niice!

They also publish summarize to this book, which me include here for you to make reading pleasures...

Borat Book
Graphical Books Covering Art
Borat Talk about Book to Hims Myspaces Fannys



In coitus with Kazakh Minister of Information, telelviski journalist Borat Sagdiyev is take great pleasuring himself to present this touristic guidings to Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan�home to many many of Central Asia�s most highly respected sex criminals. 

This volume is showcase of all that is great of Kazakhstan�marvel at the statistic of Nurek Dam, make your childrens laugh with our jokes about jews and take a peekings inside brandnew Capitalist Supermall Viktor Hotelier�s Shopcity�3 stores and electrical staircare!!

Containings over half the photographs, maps and writings ever produced by Kazakhstan and printed on our finest grade paper (50% tree, 10% asbestos, 22% gypsy, 18% pubis)�this books will surely makings you visit Kazakhstan most urgently! You welcomes�we seeings you soon!



See me in movie poster on pg.49 of Borat book! View UNEDIT version by click picture!
Subsequents to worldwide successes of his blockbusterings moviefilm, Borat Sagdiyev�televiski journalist and 4th most famous person of Kazakhstan�have in associate with Ministry of Information produce this travel guidings journal to minor nation of US and A. This book a most sensible acquisition if you are think of travel to this country and will instruct you on all you needing know�from how to get cage of your wife through airport, to how to gain entry to an American vagine without spend money.

Can Make Buying of Book By Click This Picture!

It also contain most explicit guidings to American peoples�did you know that there are over 1,000 of them with chocolate colour skin? And that it natural, not makeups!? Learn too of the great American cities�Washingtons DC, New York and Londons�and read truthful accounts of their landmarks: for examples, discover that in realitys, the World Trade Centers of New York City is not near so tall as they saying it is.

Containings many many photographs never before looked upon and writings of most splendid caliber, this book really is a very nice!

NEW!  Below be pictures photo directs from Borat book!

ALSO NEW!  Can clicks here for read about Borat making book signings in Lost Angeles!

Borat writings about minor nation of U.S. and A. Borat taking picture photo of lady woman on toilet! Borat like have excerise with the ladies Borat meet Chinese murderer on street

Jonny look forward very much to see all tippings Borat write about, so me can learns more about U.S. and A. 

Will also make reports about book here on website... right after gypsy assistant Batyr read it to Jonny with language signing.

Please make clicking here to return Jonny the Monkeys official home page.

- Chenquieh!

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